Just who is this utter madman?

"'Mark Trusty' is only an alias; all who know him speak in hushed whispers, for the man you read of has many other names—three, to be exact. Some say that they are the 'phantoms' of his fallen foes that possess him every now and again to achieve their long overdue vengeance—though, for all their resentment of him, these so-called 'phantoms' can only bring themselves to write mediocre prose at best. Others say that they are split aspects of his own twisted psyche; shards of a fragmented mind, given to a profound and irreparable insanity. The third explanation is what he prefers to call them by... 'pennames'. As for what these 'pennames' are, you, my dear reader, may learn them in due time, should you choose to follow him into the unknown... do be wary of his fondness for italics, as you may lose your own sanity; for if you tarry while gazing upon them, they shall span into the infinite abyss..."

—Madame Emilia Obscura, Psychic Book Reviews
(She totally said this, because I totally didn't make up a fake organization and endorsement—by someone who doesn't exist—to create artificial hype... 'true story...)

In all seriousness, I'm just a guy who works at a factory—when I'm not working on college stuff—who just so happens to write stories too.

You have two choices:

You can see a sample of my work in the anthology Fresh Meat from Doublewick Books; or you can stay here and hang out... with me... forever... [insidious laughter].

Ya' know what? On second thought, no, get outta' here, better yet, go home, and take your crap with you!!